Tuesday, 6 September 2011

New York City

After checked in at the hostel at 5pm. I attempted to make my time worthwhile before I had to hit on Washington the next day. It was less than half a day spent in NYC. So I went on the subway, got off at Christopher St, just for the lip-smacking burger at Shake Shack. I was in the queue for more than 1hour. I was told it would be the same situation despite the weather and timing, imagine the tastiness. You don't want to leave NY without eating it.

Daylight in the queue, 6ishpm.

Sky turned dark when I sat down eating my food.

It was more than ready to explore the city after I stuffed myself with delicious meal. I sauntered along times square. New York times square thrills me with its spectacular illumination. Due to insufficient time, I didn't manage to run after other attractions. Plainly walking on the street, feeling the horde of people, sound of music lost in the hubbub, tremendous gleaming LCD screen parallel between the right and left of the street, had totally drenched me in amazement.


Tan Chia Hui said...

eh u have d habit of reading books? banyak flowery words eh... LOL! Like it...

jenna said...

LOve this~

Jane HopeInHIM said...

@Tan Chia Hui: haha thanks, i do read books from time to time.

Thank Jenna. Btw, do you blog too? Or youre just having an account to comment?:))